Join the Pursuit

As you join this pursuit, you will see that different things are important to different people. Our goal is to empower people to find their identity in Jesus and to be the best that they can be. The world needs the unique flavor that only you have, so we want to launch you into the purpose that God has for you.

We aim to host the presence of God and watch you become who God says you are. When you own your God-given identity, you will serve the world with the love that Jesus poured into you in the way that is most natural to you.

Traditionally when people say that they are in ministry it translates to activities within the church building. While these are important and serve a big purpose in “equipping the saints,” our hope is that we not only impact people in the building, but also in our community and in the world. When you join this pursuit, you will be in ministry as an ambassador for Him at work, in your neighborhood, at church, and on mission trips to the ends of the world.

We want to empower you to become who you were designed to be.